Monday, May 12, 2008

Artist Interview 2

For my next interview I am seeking a tattoo artist to talk to. I posted an ad on ac-chat to see if anyone can recommend and artist for me to talk to. If I don't get any responses soon I'll just pop into a few places, look around and see if any connections happen naturally. I may also post on craigslist. I got pretty excited last quarter about the idea of going into body art as a trade. I have a few hesitations though and really know almost nothing about the business. It'll be really great for me to be able to talk to a professional. Off the top of my head, I'd want to ask about how one gets into the trade. Do they just invest in the equipment and practice on anyone who will let them? I've heard it said that one can practice on leather? Are there regulations regarding tattoo art, the business and practice in general? Working from home vs an establishment? Is there a lot of competition? Can one make a good living at it, and how much would one have to work? Most tattoo shops offer piercing as well, does piercing come along with the work or do other people specialize in that?

I'm sure more will come up before and during the interview.

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